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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Its been a long time!
Greetings and salutations to all. I believe it has been just shy of 4 months since i last posted and to be honest, i had gotten quite bored with blogging. I mean come now! Young, American, male, teenager, Blogger, uhh..... whats wrong with that sentence??? Anyway, I believe i have quite contradicted the title name of my blog The Daily Daniel, seeing as how i haven't posted in nigh 4 months. Maybe i will name it The Monthly Daniel or something like that. Oh By the way, my title name The Daily Daniel wasn't actually my idea. One of my friends, Alex Shirley thought of it. Im posting this Because He just LOVES publicity, (haha) and he has wanted me to tell everybody that he thought of the name and not me! So this is his long sought moment of glory! I think he will enjoy it. Well it is time for me to bid my adieu!!! so long!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Hello, hello, hello and hello again! As one Albert Einstien said, "parting is such sweet sorrow but returning is such sweet victory" Well, im back so be glad or dont be glad. Bye, Bye!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
For any of u that may have seen my blog since friday........I DONT KNOW HOW CINDERELLA GOT ON MY BLOG!!!!!!!!! I hadnt updated my blog since friday until a friend of mine text me today and asked why she was on my blog!!!! So everybody, dont know how she got there but she is KAPUT now!
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Fun Factory visit
Yesterday we went to Fun Factory in Franklin, NC! There was about 15 or so of us and we had a Blast! On our cards we had 6 hours of playtime and 5 attractions. But the only attractions that were open were lazer tag and bumper cars!!! So i played both lazer tag and bumper car twice!! I bowled with my friend alex and i beat him 108 to 53! Well of course 108 is not all that great of a score but it felt good to beat him by such a wide margin. They had a ton of video games there and i spent over 3 hours of my playtime playing 4 of them. But hey, you find a game that you like and it is hard to break from it! I had only used 3 of my attractions and i had to use one more so i rode the bumper cars for the second time even though i was a bit reluctant because i was playing a racing game. We left at about 5 till 3:00 and we rode for about 15 to 20 minutes until we got stuck in traffic from a car wreck! We pulled out of the traffic and tried to go around the wreck but alas we ended up further away than when we started! So we waited for a good 2 hours and then went on our way. we had left at 5 till 3:00, and wre supposed to be home at 4:30 or so and we ended up geting home at 6:45! What a trip!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The filibuster seat.
This runoff between Saxby Chambliss and Jim Martin will determine whether the senate will be filibuster proof for the democrats. I noticed in the paper that most all of the republican presidential hopefuls were/are campaigning with chambliss, and they had better! Because the presidential election went to Obama so now they are doing all they can to keep the Senate from becoming filibuster proof for the democrats. And that is what will happen if Martin gets the seat.
Jim Martin the democratic candidate, Has no conservative views whatsoever. Of course what democrat does? He is for partial birth abortions, that is when the mom can have the baby killed right before birth, not very nice of him. He is also for raising taxes, just look at his record and you will see that he was for raising some of the highest taxes in history. Of course you may have to dig a little cuz they like to hide that kind of stuff from his normal record!
Saxby Chambliss's voting record is typically in line with that of the conservatives and although he has a conservative voting record, he has participated in bi-partisan legislation. He is also the republican leader of the "Gang of 10" a bi-partisan group which has worked to create a compromise surrounding the energy policy of the united states. On abortion issues, The ratings given Chambliss as of 2007 by the national right to life commitee and NARAL pro-choice america identify him as having a pro-life voting record. The National Right to Life Commitee gave him 100% rating while the NARAL Pro-Choice America gave him a 0% rating, Surprise Surprise!
I hope that after a failed republican election that the democrats will not get this very important seat.
Jim Martin the democratic candidate, Has no conservative views whatsoever. Of course what democrat does? He is for partial birth abortions, that is when the mom can have the baby killed right before birth, not very nice of him. He is also for raising taxes, just look at his record and you will see that he was for raising some of the highest taxes in history. Of course you may have to dig a little cuz they like to hide that kind of stuff from his normal record!
Saxby Chambliss's voting record is typically in line with that of the conservatives and although he has a conservative voting record, he has participated in bi-partisan legislation. He is also the republican leader of the "Gang of 10" a bi-partisan group which has worked to create a compromise surrounding the energy policy of the united states. On abortion issues, The ratings given Chambliss as of 2007 by the national right to life commitee and NARAL pro-choice america identify him as having a pro-life voting record. The National Right to Life Commitee gave him 100% rating while the NARAL Pro-Choice America gave him a 0% rating, Surprise Surprise!
I hope that after a failed republican election that the democrats will not get this very important seat.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The tooth prison
Me, my brother, my sister and my dad went to the dentist today. And.....I HATE THAT PLACE WITH A PASSION!!!!!!!!! I mean, its got to be the deepest darkest place in Athens, Georgia! Its a prison, a confinement for anybody who has teeth!!! And i will have you know readers that there are a lot of people who have teeth! We walked in, and were booked at the front desk! they had horror movies on the TV about people who had oral cancer along with statistics!!! we waited in shackles until the jail lady took me to the mouth inspection center to search for FBI secrets. (Actually i was having my teeth X-ray ed) She then took me to cell room 6 where they ran through my previous records and found me clean! I was laid back in my chair and they searched my teeth once again for secrets. Once again clean, the lady even said so. After that i went to the family room and watched the people finish jordans inspection. After everybodys inspection were released on parole for good behavior. We went to the booking desk and were told when to return. ( and bye the way, all of that was very much exaggerated.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I was awaken by my father at 8:00 A:M this morning, And was immediately told to fix my mother some cheese toast. What excitement! (not really) for i drank stale coffee to wake me and upon finishing the toast i forthwith went to the bathroom to take a bath. I must relay to you ladies and gentlemen that a coffee and bath are a morning routine for me! The coffee wakes me up and the bath makes me sleepy again. So all and all this morning has been quite normal. Tonight we have play practice again for our churches christmas play so i am somwhat excited about that. Bye!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Is it time for a change?
I wonder if i should change my theme? Cuz i have had this theme eversince i have had my blog. I like the black, but i wonder if i should change it? so leave a comment on this post and tell me if i should keep it or not.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
HEY! I need some traffic!
I mean come on! Aside from my sisters new cooking and crafts blog i've got the lowest number of hits on my blog! I used to average about 25 hits more than my brothers blog and now he has more than 20 more hits than me! Hello? Knock Knock? i just now topped 100! So if you please, stop by some time!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Once again i dont know what to write about. i have writen much about the election but that is over now so now im back to the old drawing board. I know i dont have writers block because you have to be a writer to have writers block and i am not a writer. So....whatever becomes interesting enough for me to write about i will write about. Blaaahhh!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I was right...Unfortunately
Obama won by about 8 million votes, not exactly a landslide but well enough to win the election. All i can say is that we are going to have an interesting next 4 years. Congratulations america, you got what you wanted, you got your god, your messiah, but a lot of you will be painfuly surprised after january!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
My prediction of the presidency
I think that in the event that one of them win, that neither of them will beat the other by more than 4%. It will be very tight, but my gut says that Obama will win this years election. I think if he wins that he will win by no more than 2%. I hope i am wrong, but i think he will make just enough to become our next president.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My view of the election
In this year of 2008, Election year, this has been one of the most fascinating elections ever (Of course i have only been around to see 3 of them, This year being the fourth.) counting 2nd term elections. The election between John McCain and Barack Obama has been very interesting. Of course neither of these candidates would have been my first pick. And I know I am too young to vote, but nothing prohibits me from giving my thoughts.
John McCain votes with democrats on some important issues like campaign finance reform, and he is a little to soft on immigration. He was all for the bailout bill when he said he was going to cut pork barrel spending, saying that it was the best the congress/government had at the time!!! HA!!! And those are just some of the things.
Barack Obama is the most liberal person in the United State Senate. He has only been in the Senate for 3 years and two of those have been used running for President. (And as you may well know, it is hard to run for President and do anything useful in the senate at the same time!!!) And he says HE is prepared to lead our country!!! Scary!
John McCain is definitely more knowledgeable and seasoned than Obama because he actually answers questions given to him from experience! Where as Obama answers his questions from his flowery speech! But of course he can't help it because that's about the gist of his experience! But people are so tired of Bush and the Republicans that just about anything else is embraced!
Overall though, This has been one of the most noticed and intense elections ever had because of all of the unexpected twists and turns, like 9 months ago when everyone was just waiting for McCain's concession speech. His campaign was all but dead. And in the beginning everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to take the whole Democratic side and almost did, but people were also tired of the Clinton's, therefore giving the Democratic nomination to Obama.
But for him, the velvet gloves are off. And people are starting to see through his flowery hope message! There are also people who are so tired of the Republicans that unless the Democratic nominee was a convicted felon they would still vote Democrat. And that still wouldn't stop some people, (like Bill Ayers!) Oh! But that is something Obama would prefer not to be expounded upon! (Cuz he doesn't like it when his terrorist buddies are picked on!!!)
Now let us start talking about the Vice Presidential nominees, Joe Biden (D) and Sarah Palin (R). Most people were thinking that either Tim Kaine or Evan Bayh were going to be chosen as the Democratic VP candidates, But Obama chose Joe biden and I believe that was a safe choice because of his years in the Senate and his speciality in foreign policy (both of which are Obama's weaknesses).
Sarah Palin was a complete surprise pick because the big expectancies there were Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. Sarah Palin was on the longer list of candidates. But McCain chose Palin because of her conservative roots and her reforming spirit. She has been a great help to McCain. She has also rallied the Republican base. He made a very wise move by choosing her as his running mate.
The election night is on November 4th and we are making a big party of it! I cant wait for it! So that was my view of the election and the candidates!
John McCain votes with democrats on some important issues like campaign finance reform, and he is a little to soft on immigration. He was all for the bailout bill when he said he was going to cut pork barrel spending, saying that it was the best the congress/government had at the time!!! HA!!! And those are just some of the things.
Barack Obama is the most liberal person in the United State Senate. He has only been in the Senate for 3 years and two of those have been used running for President. (And as you may well know, it is hard to run for President and do anything useful in the senate at the same time!!!) And he says HE is prepared to lead our country!!! Scary!
John McCain is definitely more knowledgeable and seasoned than Obama because he actually answers questions given to him from experience! Where as Obama answers his questions from his flowery speech! But of course he can't help it because that's about the gist of his experience! But people are so tired of Bush and the Republicans that just about anything else is embraced!
Overall though, This has been one of the most noticed and intense elections ever had because of all of the unexpected twists and turns, like 9 months ago when everyone was just waiting for McCain's concession speech. His campaign was all but dead. And in the beginning everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to take the whole Democratic side and almost did, but people were also tired of the Clinton's, therefore giving the Democratic nomination to Obama.
But for him, the velvet gloves are off. And people are starting to see through his flowery hope message! There are also people who are so tired of the Republicans that unless the Democratic nominee was a convicted felon they would still vote Democrat. And that still wouldn't stop some people, (like Bill Ayers!) Oh! But that is something Obama would prefer not to be expounded upon! (Cuz he doesn't like it when his terrorist buddies are picked on!!!)
Now let us start talking about the Vice Presidential nominees, Joe Biden (D) and Sarah Palin (R). Most people were thinking that either Tim Kaine or Evan Bayh were going to be chosen as the Democratic VP candidates, But Obama chose Joe biden and I believe that was a safe choice because of his years in the Senate and his speciality in foreign policy (both of which are Obama's weaknesses).
Sarah Palin was a complete surprise pick because the big expectancies there were Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. Sarah Palin was on the longer list of candidates. But McCain chose Palin because of her conservative roots and her reforming spirit. She has been a great help to McCain. She has also rallied the Republican base. He made a very wise move by choosing her as his running mate.
The election night is on November 4th and we are making a big party of it! I cant wait for it! So that was my view of the election and the candidates!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Dont know what to write!
I am currently in a lull as far as ideas on what to write about. So i am now writing this paragraph telling you that i dont know what to write about. So really this paragraph is just a space taker telling you that i dont know what to write about. PROFOUND!!!!!!!!!!! not really.
Friday, September 26, 2008
A week of prayer
We have had a week of prayer from sept.22 to sept.26. today is friday, the 26th. The men from our church are planning to go to athens after the prayer meeting tonight to go on the street and preach, if the weather permits Because it has rained today. I have had agood week of praying and i am looking foward to tonight!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The autumnal equinox
AH!! the autumnal equinox is here!!! i must say i much appreciate the change of tempeture. very soon the green will pass away and will be replaced with orange and golden brown!!! magnificent!!
My dream car

My dream car is the Aston Martin DBS. This particuler Aston Martin DBS pictured here cost around $262,000. Other Aston Martins like the Aston Martin V8 Vantage and DB9 cost from $110,000 to $185,000. I love this vehicle. i love the body and i like the fact that it is long. The exterior as well as the interior leave absolutely nothing to be desired! it is a magnificent vehicle.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My career choice
When i hit the big one-eight, thats 18 for those of you that might be confused, I plan to attend UGA for my first 4 years of pre-med. After that, i will either go to Mercer Medical College or Georgia Medical College for my 8 years of medical training. I plan to become a surgeon that deals specificly with the heart and lungs. I am also extremely interested in meteorology, and if not a doctor i would definantly be a meteorolagist. I am fascinated with tornadoes,hurricanes,clouds and such. If i were to go to college for meteorology, i would attend georgia tech. I am praying for Gods will and will do whatever he wants me to do.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Things I can do
I play the guitar, and i play the bass for the church. I kind of play the mandolin, and i want to learn to play the violin. I want to get the Schecter Stiletto Studio-5, (thats a 5-string bass for those of you that are negligent to intrument names!) for christimas.
About Myself and My Blog
Hello, my name is Daniel Whitman. I am the firstborn of the infamous Kevin Whitman {a.k.a my father}. My mother is Rita Whitman, and my younger siblings are Caleb Jordan and Savannah Grace Whitman. I am a born again christian and a member of The Jefferson Lighthouse Baptist Church.
This blog will primarily be about myself, my interests, my family, my church, and my God. I will include articles, photos, videos, and more.
Check back often, as I will be updating this blog regularly.
This blog will primarily be about myself, my interests, my family, my church, and my God. I will include articles, photos, videos, and more.
Check back often, as I will be updating this blog regularly.
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